Dear players,
NARAKA: BLADEPOINT is committed to creating a fair and healthy competitive environment. We have not only used new anti-cheat technologies, but also established special cheat-reporting reward activities to encourage those players who defend the fairness with us. From now on, players who make outstanding contributions to reporting cheats will get the Legendary spear skin ‘Righteous Polearm’.
More details:
1. Players who successfully reported 1 time will get [Immortal Treasure] X1;
2. Players who successfully report 10 times with low misreport rate will get [Immortal Treasure] X10 (In order to ensure the efficiency of detecting, please report reasonably);
3. Players who have successfully reported for many times or made great contributions to anti-cheat will get the Legendary spear skin [Righteous Polearm] X1.
We strongly recommend that players report via in-game report system, so that we can confirm the cheat as soon as possible and record successful report times for you!
From 3.25 to 3.31, there are 28 players who have successfully reported the cheating or hacking in total and get the reward [Righteous Polearm]! We hope that more players can become the Justice Supporter on the Morus Isle in the future.
F**KangHellen |
舍**人必暴毙 |
别**主来扶你 |
颠*大厨 |
微**好甜 |
无*o0 |
M**KyDieu |
见*思齐 |
牙*哥 |
劍*蘇蔓 |
S**rrow |
M**keyDLufy |
B**DeSun |
N**ĩaNè |
G**Lđòicân3 |
H**D0I |
可**可以ii |
一**江猪脚饭 |
晶*的狗 |
H**gchuộtphải |
H**nHoen |
小**叫什么 |
W**XuânTùng亗 |
悉**嘉尔 |
网**黑胶用户 |
R**kyliu |
A**梦到金甲吗 |
From 3.25 to 3.31, the development team has banned 448 cheated players. The list is as follows:
怎**事啊 |
Ⱥ*96 |
抖**猪事不宜 |
T**nIDN |
电**彦祖 |
W**Yue |
m**njwi |
韩*浪 |
3*是 |
各*地方 |
菊*惊 |
天**师嘎嘎 |
暗**9527 |
F**ZQゝ埃里克 |
火**头用李白 |
푸*푸우 |
就**儿开始吧 |
神**する矢は |
당*나라 |
乔**与蔡徐坤 |
牛*小子 |
简*单单 |
1*3刀 |
火**头用立白 |
小**给爷趴下 |
D*rm |
a**dadw |
a**远的突破 |
一**9999999啊 |
已**几个v |
二**护动物 |
我**56985 |
木**31 |
骄**了大家 |
烫**麻辣烫 |
小*兽u |
欺*盗名 |
滑*粉 |
L**jia |
老**的XP好怪 |
w**gusa |
Z**B521 |
李**木马牛 |
永**一猛 |
a**daada |
A*RT |
Z**ya |
爱**火虫 |
震**王子 |
番**鸡蛋 |
急* |
b**gajv |
L**SI |
果*无敌 |
道*ye |
c**码小比崽子 |
我**你上分 |
T**ッ4яєṭһѧṅ |
炸**暴斃 |
笑*天下 |
J**yyds |
Y**zi领 |
古* |
废*子 |
嗨*嗨 |
y**7453晚安1 |
智*职教 |
1**3223拿 |
Q**69692109 |
j**sua |
一*降龙 |
d**dsadsa |
培**eatv587 |
幼**抢饭第一 |
H**TaoYyds |
s**dian |
跑**002 |
顶*演技 |
U**adBRO |
T**tch三哥 |
我**还可以 |
挨**天海大师 |
么**么么 |
故*归 |
青**佛灬度流 |
우* |
你**不杀你 |
花*瑟 |
G**evieve |
X*MB |
Z**MJFJ2 |
丨*秋秋 |
三*聚顶 |
s**ngmozzz |
a**6king |
O**yYdS |
h**ngwei808785 |
撒**打撒 |
水*水水 |
鱼*子 |
今**芜湖豆瓣 |
k**gNB |
T**vvisScott |
长**yds |
b**hh |
L**bors |
三*半 |
人*多呀 |
想**123 |
嘎*震 |
자*자 |
再* |
M**haels |
代**527 |
大**娱乐 |
王*山 |
半*月光 |
q**soulie19630 |
Y**69776菌 |
颠**04 |
G**Yu |
我**别打了 |
别**刀顺走 |
Y*领 |
s**57157590 |
J**nn |
h*y白 |
C**cccp |
永**间猛男 |
D**FCV |
d**tor1 |
D**SD1 |
4**pa69249 |
진*원 |
洛**666 |
a**12 |
空**易两条狗 |
l**dj |
w**cjff |
陈**Eason |
发*少个 |
就*么 |
白**无敌 |
范*违反 |
g**gfgdh |
s*R丶 |
杀*赦 |
s**ufsp |
碎*丶 |
颠**01 |
D**IAO |
N**611 |
Z**W6 |
G**vey |
M**AOだ |
G*の |
什**玩意儿 |
别**用的OKM |
h**a凌夕 |
挖**位大神 |
悟**个呆子 |
3**875318阿萨 |
s*eq |
管*施工 |
安**必读 |
怎**拉稀了啊 |
e**eeeeeeeerrr |
一**001 |
谨**34 |
冷* |
J**tone |
d**ksdfd |
坏**叔好绅士 |
你**了啦 |
振*个刀 |
T**Iky |
无*生还 |
哭*鬼嚎 |
渣*乐 |
跟*虫 |
等**罗车 |
慢**v3 |
喔*纽币 |
香* |
大*奥 |
b**ndddbngb |
I*mX |
反*斗士 |
匹**快了 |
爱*的爱 |
K**gsneverdie |
I**onesiaYan |
玩*而已 |
T**tok糖糖侠 |
a**dq11 |
一**999 |
L**hen |
2**214eww |
武*侯 |
萨*萨达 |
腰* |
我**喜欢Kizu |
诛* |
E**failback |
老**来了 |
f**hfgh |
d**wd1 |
S**TE |
萨**帕克燊 |
R**hel丶 |
m**wer |
屠**窟州 |
C**丶刹那 |
j**3146482290 |
颠**师01 |
q**azr |
D**tN1 |
一**99999 |
苹* |
静**了么 |
Q**35854176 |
冷* |
L**ye |
炒*大师 |
凯**我爸 |
子*孨 |
天* |
樱**及许姑娘 |
想**成冰 |
请**苏哲 |
你**D在CARRY呀 |
飞* |
M**odou |
g**ills |
丶*do |
颠**03 |
凯*大帝 |
飒* |
你**瘠薄 |
9**7nan |
洗*睡吧 |
地*撒 |
T**m33 |
D**CC |
同**杀我 |
好**被震刀了 |
5**870545a |
电**尘1v5 |
哥**爱i |
R**ingsun |
麦**肉块 |
为**你奶都比 |
l**528 |
我*博俊 |
f**kfk |
s**Rui |
F**nrei |
洛**丶666 |
一*一个 |
原**提子呀 |
J**UR |
小*嘎1 |
猛**妹后腰 |
不**哭不哭 |
她**你身边吗 |
T*AU |
9**7CPDD |
虎**小叮当 |
p**asasi |
单**0后 |
7**myc |
Y**69776阿言 |
d**dhgfhgfkh |
呆**芽儿 |
无**萨德静安 |
G**君莫笑乀丶 |
大* |
T**z2810877 |
s**ngmozzz |
赤**yds |
来* |
十*停 |
f**jdfgj |
季*跑 |
北*墨语 |
嘎**腰子 |
你**是我的剑 |
S**SF111 |
李**命的腰 |
斗**飘雪 |
孙**oooooo |
j*ai |
哇*道区 |
九*之尊 |
烈**778 |
E*fL |
我**眼看世 |
聚**第二深情 |
f**pegod |
s**spanana |
打**个小憨憨 |
1*10 |
잊**없다 |
新**家666 |
싱*대 |
R**iic |
Z**W5 |
无**心小学 |
振**要慌 |
2**ppppppp |
A*A震 |
骚*老6 |
T**y丶Stark |
d**uotababa |
Z**W5 |
赤**我腰子 |
p**m超甜AS |
d**amWUchen |
木*木丶 |
Q**92022811 |
振**噶你腰子 |
妹**爱i |
하**의다크 |
a**aasd1 |
陈**克星 |
C**NO1 |
w**3w |
白**衫净少年 |
楼**葭楼中月 |
あ**まほしの |
炸*糖 |
D**J1 |
我**欢振你刀 |
Y**69776菌 |
补**拿手 |
哇*哇哦 |
呆**33223 |
R**we1 |
杰**旺仔 |
B**W1 |
邋*大王 |
W**AlwaysMe丶 |
我**VE |
颠**02 |
君*邪 |
x**shen |
胡**先出击 |
我**了啊啊啊 |
T*GG |
挂**太黑 |
y**an |
永* |
w**gdada |
那*孩 |
の*d |
德*下压 |
灬**ngtui |
z**mjfj1 |
B**yMe |
d**fs1 |
晓**智波斑 |
心**荷冰 |
快**起来 |
那**振了7次 |
y**ry5 |
C**林克 |
求* |
诛* |
H**a90911 |
A**2922189992 |
K**llllll |
h**ge9710 |
N**erDefeat |
単**0后 |
w**dsf11 |
一**01 |
我**你腰子 |
湖**柯吴彦祖 |
b**3e8d3 |
心**实现吗 |
A**AN |
直**赛冠军 |
A**AS |
朱**尔瓦雷兹 |
然*゛ |
T**tok天下秀 |
文**一狂 |
玛**卡阁下 |
拉* |
C**cccPa |
火**灬小棋 |
G**ove |
T**r1 |
梦*京 |
馒**v5 |
青*落 |
N**BuYyds |
叶*寒空 |
天**不散的宴 |
x**retplus |
H**YSJ1 |
快**狗来了 |
l**hihui |
曰**爷趴下 |
C**NO1 |
我**会颠勺了 |
跑**001 |
龙**151691 |
w**hijiangxing |
妹*不爱 |
4**99n1366 |
7**阿萨8442781 |
d*df |
水**所发生的 |
R**GerAlin |
A**A1210 |
大*刺身 |
谢**223 |
土**迷妹 |
遗*qz |
兄**买索尔不 |
伤*心 |
H**FeiGuan |
あ**まゆきな |
八*玲珑 |
河*大弟 |
Y**uYuYuYuYuYu |
帝*心殇 |
1*我 |
嘎*嘎 |
g**ooza |
Q**520749894 |
颠**06 |
2**403a |
T**VF1 |
最**玄学家XU |
振**真好呢 |
无**造作啊 |
洛**11 |
东*硬3 |
T**YUU |
一*痴狂 |