Dear players,
NARAKA: BLADEPOINT is committed to creating a fair and healthy competitive environment. We have not only used new anti-cheat technologies, but also established special cheat-reporting reward activities to encourage those players who defend the fairness with us. From now on, players who make outstanding contributions to reporting cheats will get the Legendary spear skin ‘Righteous Polearm’.
More details:
1. Players who successfully reported 1 time will get [Immortal Treasure] X1;
2. Players who successfully report 10 times with low misreport rate will get [Immortal Treasure] X10 (In order to ensure the efficiency of detecting, please report reasonably);
3. Players who have successfully reported for many times or made great contributions to anti-cheat will get the Legendary spear skin [Righteous Polearm] X1.
We strongly recommend that players report via in-game report system, so that we can confirm the cheat as soon as possible and record successful report times for you!
From 7.15 to 7.21, there are 9 players who have successfully reported the cheating or hacking in total and get the reward [Righteous Polearm]! We hope that more players can become the Justice Supporter on the Morus Isle in the future.
宝**大师MVP |
L**tleDestiny |
无**龙战神 |
2**01 |
D**一BiKani |
桜* |
ベ* |
情**说一点点 |
k**aminglin |
From 7.15 to 7.21, the development team has banned 265 cheated players. The list is as follows:
神**的长恨 |
2**91592151d |
青*丶 |
l**htdream |
h*tb |
九**楼二两 |
e**xp3mh |
古**灯度流年 |
蔡**进攻柏林 |
T**AX |
小**打个车 |
U**ing |
蔬*猫猫 |
她**我想等等 |
A**ES |
今**睡了嘛 |
A**ral |
不**桃的错 |
蒙**功gao |
桃**拼尽全力 |
亦*袁 |
3**27f61a5 |
B**letmedps |
ß**o・ŞángŤối |
荒*帝 |
不**个火男罢 |
气**虹2 |
跌*咥 |
V**Doomsday |
a**enture |
s**iiiiii |
老**和你贴贴 |
t**mo |
你*哥 |
晨* |
嫂**出声是我 |
g**dg |
c**babya |
比**狙击手派 |
R**ert42 |
胸**要说y |
k**sttit |
夺**忙打一下 |
别**屁股 |
女* |
小**03 |
z**7s2iuf |
N**lym |
卿**夜雨 |
T**小艾 |
q**3123123 |
h**o1697 |
아**앗송 |
T**idie |
ú**bíðurefti |
J**m1nG丶九命 |
喜*而已 |
大*金仙 |
霉* |
i**iv |
丨*孽丨 |
归* |
小**永劫2 |
朱**小迷妹 |
秋**伊藤誠 |
S**C443 |
反**的符 |
我**u死你 |
F**htMonsters |
不**玩什么游 |
最**是小伟 |
专**打你1112 |
二* |
这**乐星球嘛 |
法**猛干 |
我**来辣 |
老**接滑铲 |
小**物人 |
5*5廿 |
m*ko |
小**会振刀 |
w*wa |
B**yguard004 |
你**的妹 |
是**不敢了 |
C*23 |
J**Chou冲 |
a**alvöru |
求**哥别打窝 |
游*恋 |
开**马一枪 |
E**ofgod |
т**êuHayChôn |
주*의 |
要**三千1 |
白*子 |
马*娘 |
b**670434 |
明**你好 |
我**宝我呀 |
A**ouCC |
s**elmountain |
挂*1号 |
Y**007 |
别**我刀了0 |
路**EA7 |
振**飞飞 |
安**晋三 |
老**x玩你叼毛 |
我**的小姚 |
快**男哈撒给 |
是**思念了 |
我**怪兽啊 |
h**dengeorge |
x**ixini |
游**解吧 |
g**zhiwuzhi204 |
C**RsAIR |
文* |
天*無名 |
寄**工穿山甲 |
手*爆蛋 |
什**不是 |
真*呀 |
D**isme |
枫* |
小**天纳命来 |
吴*凡凡 |
Q**oooo11 |
c**e4904 |
1*斯达 |
花*Q |
S**ONright |
阿**嘎嘎振 |
w**winwin |
オ**ック |
一*字滑 |
a**l76qb |
仙* |
z**oshock |
i**erment埋葬 |
U**491 |
可**就是爱情 |
魚**子煲丶 |
一**浩南 |
r**543 |
아*다 |
呜**哈撒给 |
就**振你的刀 |
故*m |
2**sxofvno |
L**unZ |
D**adeHR |
海**彦祖 |
抖**K98g |
小**没有对手 |
长*冰茶 |
旋**魂振 |
哦**蒂废话 |
v**ay |
金**想你了 |
我*哪裡 |
大*天龙 |
5*开 |
谁**训VL |
鸡*篮球 |
D**onForce |
天**时雨 |
洒*水2 |
叶*玲 |
干* |
偷*鱼 |
振**哭酱 |
欧**一菜 |
额**威风威威 |
E**caHill |
再*归来 |
s**leFazi |
久**甘雨 |
川*好累 |
L**Prince2111 |
小*面 |
东**小霸王 |
天**小心肝E |
坑*鹰 |
B**uy |
溱* |
K**ky |
爱**风起1 |
A**asy |
胡**出击QAQ |
i**bound |
u**etY |
小**好惹 |
小**椡谛 |
皮*劫 |
아**딘소다 |
钢*日川 |
无**牛侠 |
蓄**大叔 |
B**idialYeti41 |
太**啤酒 |
だ* |
q**a7835 |
M**esla |
m**amorpho |
雾*灯塔 |
잔* |
蝕* |
篮**分Ikun |
B**yguard丶one |
A**enX |
w**tStone |
t**2345644 |
寒* |
火**老6 |
p**inc |
顾*寒 |
浮**声抚笙渡 |
外**刀9999 |
大*鞋 |
郑**彦祖 |
尘*散 |
고**고비열한 |
你**压不住的 |
我**隼游 |
바*기억 |
黎*梦 |
就*发狙 |
玫**的葬礼 |
к**ид |
M**刀侠 |
顶*老板 |
2**cdf6a |
内*尔 |
柳*丁真 |
2**ット安倍 |
轻**ightCloud |
人**欢喜 |
D**liaka |
別*我刀 |
落**锤i |
2*FT |
아*짜 |
安* |
天**老6 |
h*es |
繁*散尽 |
私*神だ |
M*w1 |
曹**icao |
我**巴黎世家 |
怕**了别震了 |
上**靠运气 |
脏* |
疑* |
奈**头唱国歌 |
X**gdd |
李**12 |
か*って |