Dear players,
NARAKA: BLADEPOINT is committed to creating a fair and healthy competitive environment. We have not only used new anti-cheat technologies, but also established special cheat-reporting reward activities to encourage those players who defend the fairness with us. From now on, players who make outstanding contributions to reporting cheats will get the Legendary spear skin 'Righteous Polearm' .
More details:
1. Players who successfully reported 1 time will get [Immortal Treasure] X1;
2. Players who successfully report 10 times with low misreport rate will get [Immortal Treasure] X10 (In order to ensure the efficiency of detecting, please report reasonably);
3. Players who have successfully reported for many times or made great contributions to anti-cheat will get the Legendary spear skin [Righteous Polearm] X1.
We strongly recommend that players report via in-game report system, so that we can confirm the cheat as soon as possible and record successful report times for you!
From 02.01 to 02.28, there are 9 players who have successfully reported the cheating or hacking in total and get the reward [Righteous Polearm]! We hope that more players can become the Justice Supporter on the Morus Isle in the future.
к**иiє |
无*o0 |
a**123 |
O**sie |
L**eLinh112 |
D**TàiSmilePC |
柒*以后 |
江**人初见雪 |
s**monnnnn |
From 02.01 to 02.28, the development team has banned 170 cheated players. The list is as follows:
j**985661 |
姿**01 |
好**旧灬 |
叫**放蓄力 |
森* |
不**烂啦 |
叶*美的 |
b*od |
i**rayer |
捌* |
江**點紅 |
狂**李有田丿 |
凹* |
东**的神213 |
雷**灬剑仙 |
E**I3107 |
m**752325938 |
乾**挪移 |
H**erionX |
d**yu7650489 |
强**团高启强 |
猎**壹号 |
扎**旧追不上 |
你**杀线到了 |
M*xl |
s**5sa54f |
小*卡咯 |
R**丶创始人 |
就**你的胸 |
张*飘 |
天* |
P**ncely |
爱*走心 |
戴**不算给 |
3**4741488z |
玖**adsa |
Y**r丶king |
5**9r3 |
好**爆的青梅 |
阿*的 |
温**里藏 |
フ*イト |
黯* |
K**sIk |
3**3157952辅导 |
B**.Bie |
七* |
梁*仙哇 |
看**算我输 |
S*yg |
有**湾湾 |
2**1gao |
3**1156908z |
死* |
A**MDX |
小*乐卡 |
长*无焰 |
Y**sd |
我**挽狂澜 |
S**L帆 |
追**放过我 |
w**20531602 |
k**tm |
哥**己人 |
K**etc |
但**射点 |
大*りっ |
N**竹日弓弓 |
b**tercoffee |
奶**胡桃 |
L**ngRCV |
6**呵cvcv |
我*减肥 |
l**13 |
B**DaddySeVen |
S**ngebob. |
剑**悬山 |
2**2600140167 |
a**fsaf565 |
你**大雨吗 |
在**头蹦迪 |
s**lMaster |
T**Film |
双**抓手 |
T**mAnTrom |
d**dqda |
i**na |
爷*丿诳 |
C**丶Arima |
优**身男主角 |
i**756497 |
y**托答辩 |
带**小黄瓜 |
l**lllllld |
主*牧尘 |
宇**敌超级勇 |
3**485 |
1*io |
n**4654639 |
是**囉年輕人 |
弑*玉郎 |
冻* |
星**645 |
p**po |
a**ccccc |
辰**具店 |
迷* |
x*ll |
9**270645才 |
丶**丶TâmTít丶 |
K**oun |
秋**凉暗然忧 |
C**l丶zzZZZ |
r**xoe |
阳*小鸡 |
e**jqdw |
5**4jgj |
T**rdlediable |
e**ohx |
终*丶 |
9**152323的 |
B**erKIng531 |
楠*妈 |
琉**碎流年54 |
a**caa |
日**un出去 |
w**imaasd |
K**ITU |
一*点 |
就**的小BB |
什**西嘛 |
R**lookyou |
N**t7 |
ア**カンドッ |
h**111 |
사**랑사랑 |
1**8249557个 |
h**ai191223902 |
É**ǚāðÂúÔ |
c**nge |
s**n单 |
予*爱 |
U**一B |
你**触摸繁星 |
来**尔哇 |
密**丶刘子 |
9**h73 |
京**贩老莫 |
S**8B8B8 |
F**456F564AS45 |
四*道长 |
蔡*坤 |
l**960720 |
m**cofsl |
虎**V黄半仙 |
G**丶Theking |
d**755444 |
g**tyub |
1**1638290z |
打**BB |
S**suriya |
弥* |
莫*i |
无**鱼机 |
私**が好きで |
2**4544313UI亏 |
你**大大的哇 |
T**ing |