Dear players,
NARAKA: BLADEPOINT is committed to creating a fair and healthy competitive environment. We have not only used new anti-cheat technologies, but also established special cheat-reporting reward activities to encourage those players who defend the fairness with us. From now on, players who make outstanding contributions to reporting cheats will get the Legendary spear skin 'Righteous Polearm' .
More details:
1. Players who successfully reported 1 time will get [Immortal Treasure] X1;
2. Players who successfully report 10 times with low misreport rate will get [Immortal Treasure] X10 (In order to ensure the efficiency of detecting, please report reasonably);
3. Players who have successfully reported for many times or made great contributions to anti-cheat will get the Legendary spear skin [Righteous Polearm] X1.
We strongly recommend that players report via in-game report system, so that we can confirm the cheat as soon as possible and record successful report times for you!
From 03.01 to 04.26, there are 9 players who have successfully reported the cheating or hacking in total and get the reward [Righteous Polearm]! We hope that more players can become the Justice Supporter on the Morus Isle in the future.
i**悉尼社会K |
喜* |
C**n.Bé.Đù. |
H**ThởHànBăng |
A**丶TingyU |
A**ra・00902 |
1**ṁヽĐàoNhung |
K**rity |
Y**rSānSì |
From 03.01 to 04.26, the development team has banned 448 cheated players. The list is as follows:
b**335704 |
c*g1 |
P**xxeed |
H**ter丶 |
v**okfqh |
t**o1561 |
A**123123 |
p**lkg7x |
额* |
h**3iro78m |
z**1d |
思**滑坡 |
R**lookyoui |
C**v丶B站幻仙 |
1**113390的 |
M*.神 |
G**乡分开7 |
我*里吗 |
我**化腾 |
W**tME |
阿*是的 |
抖**子皮 |
张**123123 |
M*zz |
q**w123 |
J**keylove. |
起*了 |
男**海底撈 |
还**种操作 |
o**x3103 |
8**1ヽt0ggle |
a**dwcx |
冲*小子 |
a**acccca |
1**7858766苟富 |
战* |
Ɍ**・ŤímĐėn |
扛**专属3 |
i**vemeatballs |
2**7537775好 |
不**能被偷了 |
千*流 |
A**丶吉普莉尔 |
U**ua09 |
小**小伙伴 |
2**34214996 |
9**od |
骁*是是 |
飞*无敌 |
十**明月 |
s**sd34 |
抖**烟找固队 |
年**讲无得. |
扛**专属 |
V**ionl |
心*呐 |
6**6666D |
G**Lei |
猴*群 |
p**e6 |
玩*费劲 |
n**five5 |
手**月摘星辰 |
果*殺手 |
煊**挨了骂 |
R**ot |
路*法ツ |
t**mawan |
嗨*嗨 |
刺*11 |
H*EY |
成*11 |
C**D丶白神 |
十*停雨 |
像**牢吖 |
C**puer |
縁*見る |
白* |
这**日日 |
橘**掌毛 |
莱*多特 |
皆* |
水*千刀 |
s**hahp9 |
h**j45l1 |
S**S22 |
a**wsawa |
8**aca |
青**原我最搔 |
月*将沉 |
L**ijie |
林*生 |
小*鱼 |
看**也想起舞 |
再**句晚安 |
g**267987 |
资**一深情 |
h**feidefeifei |
R**oot |
Y**2NH |
陈*陈陈 |
红*芋头 |
熊**omcat |
花**人. |
i**oi8un |
输**哔哔 |
墨*薄 |
一**美式丿 |
S**erCD |
楠*云 |
2**0426341是 |
火**orry全场 |
モ*ド |
2**7481341za |
C**D丶司马 |
u**xdv |
别**就是噶你 |
2**7606ads |
无*冲拳 |
柒*cc |
p**e8 |
男* |
我**12 |
e**eb7os |
v**666 |
韓**は死んで |
就**住了锋 |
X**Window |
m**丶白神7 |
i**ki6o |
2**8228468阿德 |
V**idDart |
我**刀大王01 |
J**Chounb |
o**4815987 |
爷**丿奈我何 |
爆*胡桃 |
x**xdszvsdzv |
山**泽草现 |
あ**のおじ |
m**e8 |
2**8225982s |
隐* |
长**领取金阔 |
h**pme |
r**shin |
W**gSeeYOU |
h**dlove |
聚**锄奸队长 |
w**la |
小*无为 |
G**乡臭豆腐 |
G**ker |
g**sinia |
燕**会再见吗 |
b**065443 |
琪**IQIQiiq |
S**oヽfiredra |
花*超人 |
f**oct |
H**ler11 |
李**.0.0 |
四*的天 |
a**dvmvkpo |
长**复活 |
比**悍匪派大 |
你**Loyalty. |
顶*化佛 |
萱*啊 |
m**丶白神5 |
M**CC |
帮**一下 |
孝*吴涛 |
s**gfsacv |
茂**里带花小 |
S**aph.Gabriel |
机**都该死 |
赤*他人 |
ゲ**ァンにぴ |
s**fzxcva |
隐**客之王 |
王**很开心丶 |
山**级保护对 |
阿*达 |
R**yyy |
N**wei |
隐**一刺客2 |
不**我刀啊 |
A**baycan |
d**dqda1 |
4**572031Q |
w**1q |
げ*ぉげ |
w**ddvlhof |
大**的啊 |
横*无忌 |
小*难缠 |
c**ater |
Ø*dK |
过**觉了 |
我**钱花 |
好**uo阔乐 |
最**那个男人 |
c**er177 |
.*AA |
n**aniua |
逆**固定队 |
不**我自己会 |
我*喽 |
1**00463054q |
不**朝存知己 |
c**r1094 |
o**f26 |
y**syxh |
修*の狼 |
忠**ミマサイ |
d**686613 |
2**8977748xx |
N**IE |
花* |
2**8250522J |
叼**m嗨 |
安**锦程 |
H**enssl |
문**대통령 |
m**gui |
C**hiAsettem |
脑**路19520 |
丁*石 |
в**отец |
T**ckyFox |
看**朋友的B |
洒**胖子 |
P**A丶TiȇuNại |
翻**园狙击 |
g**q1x0q |
c**loi |
J**eTerror |
A**qxdq |
N**wo2 |
我**的时候不 |
o**094762 |
X**DDD |
雷*忍者 |
t**rlhvken |
d**dqda2 |
R**er1 |
小**你日子到 |
慢**这样老去 |
变**玩狙 |
b**001 |
g**208423 |
W**SAD |
应*一六 |
N**eQuotient79 |
d**safsfdfsfsf |
c**jj20041110 |
怪**站吧 |
蚍**树群蝼蚁 |
火**大觉 |
影**是无敌的 |
北**拳88 |
p**e66 |
想**妹玩游戏 |
小**厨宝日记 |
大**哥白震我 |
V**TlàSố1 |
少**了一眼 |
厚**оебаунти |
대*민국 |
C**D丶Lucas. |
别**我不出的 |
我**是憨批 |
a**ada123 |
h**uhu |
阔* |
X**DD |
六**天山 |
の**爱人 |
萨*来看 |
彝**无敌 |
深**一深情 |
b**uig3kl5 |
A**assina |
T**Penguin |
1**xy |
m**ebug |
丿*炎杰 |
p**i836943 |
1**啊额 |
A**olll123 |
超*你 |
好**uo奶茶 |
我*逍 |
2**205210u |
6**x6 |
H**ifei |
爽**飞天灵盖 |
4**5522丰富的 |
J**ksheng |
A**n111 |
愿**p钩 |
伸**眼丸 |
R**bot |
C**INA1 |
兔**波丸 |
噬**刀妙啊 |
唉**盗了草 |
y**simaoxixi |
没*上卡 |
北**无忌 |
G**Shaco |
P*rt |
v**nz803 |
K**ぃMyanmar |
a**d231 |
没**头号男粉 |
j**416431 |
雾**意消失 |
神*. |
热*沸腾 |
J**kSmile |
专**理机器人 |
G**eProRe |
T**sche01 |
美**是彩笔 |
3**cyz |
虎**克烈 |
一*逆风 |
我**玩啊 |
l**p9885 |
r**xr |
F**shxxx |
c**ngaaaaa |
q**of9mvr |
抖*冰镇 |
千**宝心态真 |
鸡*太美 |
s**dw11 |
飞*宝 |
k**aojia1 |
X**oaxz |
j**q4222 |
P*li |
3**31156c |
我**是仙 |
1**7166026单位 |
没**粉丝 |
一**狙走天下 |
暴**火猴 |
咫**涯间 |
3**04 |
W**kly |
帅**23 |
隔**的赵叔叔 |
W**丶FHL |
Ƙ**nǥMȁu・back |
I**゜Omurtag |
3*额2 |
喷**的哥哥 |
优**达憨憨吖 |
芙*坊 |
飞**撒旦撒 |
K**ĐôngNamÁ |
1**clgjcpj |
x**9l9 |
绿**家赵百万 |
w**daf |
西* |
拔**斩落樱 |
萍*琐世 |
众**醉我自醒 |
p**dawww |
n**hƆ・hniM゛ |
你**哎哟7 |
B**iBili丶Cc |
鄙**玩匕首 |
舍*之力 |
椎**昼1 |
你**冲了还 |
陈*爷 |
p**e・ |
9**365704z |
吊**带娃 |
罪**牧之 |
南*的墓 |
r**olt |
g**45 |
w**sq33666 |
Q**903626764 |
g**5bdpjd |
k**lkal |
黑*仙 |
t**di3wh |
新**路求關愛 |
I**inCibLe修羅 |
L**oni |
隐**一刺客 |
未**过倒悬山 |
w**ga |
呆*小弟 |
x**xxxxx |
刺*之王 |
R**nbowCandy |
g**gdfgd |
M**Aandy |
H**leTadeqiant |
z**zxa |
没* |
别**急我先打 |
9**7啊啊 |
H*不可 |
我**真的好难过 |
d**wwww |
a**urname |
2**3900070167 |
我*李正 |
私**が好きで |
1**时10289600 |
A**n出品 |
C**v幻族幻仙 |
南*账号 |
p**e9 |
p**yer9dXJXG |
A**icore |
快* |
胖**超开心 |
请*趣味 |
玩**SHJ414773 |
J**klover |
p**z5458 |
d**sdf2323 |
J*rs |
f**72540751 |
又**费玩啦1 |
社**楠哥 |
胡**是猫. |
o*00 |
橙**吃橘 |
1**aaa |
O**BOX |
9**牛逼 |